Is Your Book Ready for an editor?

Have you written a novel? That’s pretty great! All those words, all those pages! characters you love and have sent on so many adventures. Maybe you even killed some of them. But what now? You stare at your word doc wondering how on earth you can tell if you story has any glaring plot holes. How can you know if your characters are enticing to anyone but you? What if you started in the wrong place or the story doesn’t flow?

It might be time to check in with beta readers and maybe take it to the next level with the help of a developmental editor. Developmental editors read through your book and make sure everything is working. From plot, to characters, to pacing, to crafting a solid ending. Developmental editors aren’t used for spelling or grammar, that comes later. The best time to hire a developmental editor is before you’ve nailed down a copy/line editor, because things in your story will probably change after speaking with your developmental editor.

But how to chose an editor? There are so many out there. Here I might be able to help you! I’ve been thoroughly critiquing books on youtube for years, as well as publishing my own books, so it was a natural step to take this show on the road and try to turn my skills into a career.

Am I the editor for you? Depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re writing adult or YA fiction books, I might just be your gal! If you’re seeking thorough, thoughtful, actionable notes on both the macro and micro level, I might be your girl! When you hire me you’ll get on-the-page in depth critique, as well as of course pointing out places where your book is working well! I’ll help you make choices based on your genre, market, and intention for your book! Let’s grow your book baby into a full fledged novel!

Find me on Fiverr and snag yourself a critique right now! I offer a discount for your first 5k pages if you want to get to know my style! I’m friendly and communicative so if you have questions I’m always happy to answer!

Get on this opportunity!


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